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原文:领主 新手指南

桌游世界 网友:匿名 评论人IP:2020-12-14 15:42:25 发表
Hi there,<br /> <br /> Huge fan of your content here!<br /> <br /> Anyway - to keep this sh[or]t. Could you please let me know if this is a right address f[or] [and] edit[or]ial inquiry?<br /> <br /> If not, I would appreciate if you can direct me to the right one.<br /> <br /> I know that has a great potential an a real base of visit[or]s so I would really like to start a collab[or]ation with you. Could you tell me if you would be willing to accept any type of guest post, edit[or]ial [or] [or] other f[or]m of link placement?<br /> <br /> Seeing that it's pretty hard to match your writing style, I think it would be a lot better if you could include a link to our website [into] a new [or] even older article of yours, f[or] a fee.<br /> <br /> If this sounds like something you could do, simply reply to this email, tell me your guest post [or] external link policy [and] the price to have our website promoted on yours, [and] let's make a deal! :)<br /> <br /> Thanks,<br /> L[or]a Stonden<br /> <br />





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